The first grading in 2019 will be Saturday 9th February 10.30-12.30pm
Please ensure your grading application are completed and returned with your license and payment at least 1 week prior to the grading.
We will not be accepting any Cheques after January. Bank charges are continuing to rise on Cheques as a deterrent to business users . We apologize for any inconvenience but I am sure you will appreciate why we have chosen to do this. If you would like to make payments into the Malvern account just email us at and we will give you the account details. If you make payment direct into the Malvern account please ensure you reference your payment with name and what it’s for!
Kind regards
Master Summers.

The next Black Belt grading will be at 2pm on Sunday 24th March 2019

Pre grade dates are:

  • 1st pre-grade date - Sunday 3rd February - 2:00pm - 4:00pm - Great Barr
  • 2nd pre-grade date - Sunday 3rd March - 2:00pm - 4:00pm - Great Barr

Doors will be open from 1:15pm. Please do not arrive before this - there is an earlier group in the hall which will be utilising the car park.
For more information Click here

License Applications
New license applications and renewals can now be completed online Click here
New members please enter 0000 for license number

Outside Training
Due to the annual school awards ceremony, we will be training outside on 2nd, 3rd and 5th July. Please ensure you bring suitable outdoor foorwear for training.