One Step sparring introduces a more reactionary response to a single attacking technique - a mid section punch
Students are encouraged to explore techniqes that are realistic and which work for them. The sequences given below are for guidance only, and although they may be taught by your instructors, they will not be required for gradings. When One Step Sparring is assessed in gradings, the instructors will be looking for speed, timing, distancing and realism.
All of the one step sparring sequences start with both the attacker and defender in parallel ready stance (narani junbi sogi).
The first attack is a single right handed mid section obverse punch in walking stance.
Both parties then return to parallel ready stance before the second attack, a single left handed mid section obverse punch in walking stance.
Before the right handed attack, when the attacker is ready, he or she shouts, or kihaps. The defender then kihaps when he or she is ready, and at this point the attacker steps forward and punches. After the return to parallel ready stance, the left handed attack is executed without any additional kihaps
The sequences below are described in response to a right handed punch. For a left handed punch, the techniques are mirrored
1. 45° out to the right, sitting stance, left knife hand block, right reverse punch.
2. Left leg walking stance, left hand rising block, right reverse punch on the spot.
3. 45° out to the left, sitting stance, right hand outer forearm block, double punch.
4. Side step left, chambering right leg, side kick.
5. Right leg back into 'L' stance guarding block, mid section front snap kick, landing forward guarding block.
6. Right leg forward into left 'L' stance, right knife hand strike, left knife hand block, draw front leg back into vertical stance reverse knife hand strike.
7. Left leg in-to-out crescent kick, high section right leg turning kick.
8. 45° out to the left, sitting stance, right hand outer forearm block, double punch, right leg mid section turning kick.
9. Right leg forward into left 'L' stance, right hand inward hammer block, right hand back fist.
10. Right leg forward into left 'L' stance, right hand inward hammer block, right elbow strike, spin 180° left elbow strike.
11. Right leg jump front kick off the spot.
12. Left leg stepping across avoiding punch, right leg back kick.
13. Right leg mid section front snap kick, 45° out to the right, sitting stance, left knife hand block, right reverse punch.
14. Left leg walking stance, left hand rising block, grabbing arm walk through, right knife hand strike.
15. Left leg walking stance, left knife hand block, right knife hand strike, right leg sweeping take down, punch.
16. Left leg walking stance, left palm pushing block, right elbow strike, right knife hand strike, grab, right leg sweeping take down, punch.
17. Left leg walking stance, right hand hooking block, grab arm, high section hook kick right leg, low section (take down) hooking kick right leg, punch.
18. Right leg jump turning kick off the spot.
19. Left leg walking stance, right hand rising block, grab arm and twist to hold wrist, back leg front snap kick.
20. Left leg stepping across avoiding punch, right leg reverse turning kick.
21. Right leg out-to-in crescent kick, mid section right leg side kick.
22. Left leg out-to-in crescent kick, right leg jump spinning crescent kick.
23. Right leg jump side kick off the spot.
24. Left leg jump back kick off the spot.
25. Right leg out-to-in crescent kick, place foot down, spin 360°, right leg jump turning kick.
26. Left leg forward into 'L' stance, left arm locking up punch, hold and spin 180° right high section elbow strike.
27. Drop down to left knee, right leg mid section side kick, right leg low section side kick to opponents knee.
28. Drop back on to hands, mid section front kick right leg, mid section front kick left leg in a quick motion.
29. Drop down to left knee, right leg low section turning kick, place right leg behind opponents ankle, using left leg press firmly against knee in a scissors action to take down, left leg axe kick to chest.
30. Right leg jump twisting kick off the spot.
31. Left leg forward into walking stance, left knife hand block, right hand mid section obverse punch, figure 4 arm lock, right leg step in sweeping take down, punch.
32. Left leg forward into walking stance, left knife hand block, grab wrist, right knife hand strike, right hand scooping behind opponents knee, pull wrist down as lifting knee, punch.
33. Left leg out to sitting stance, arm break, holding arm rolling over elbow, left hand punch to temple.
34. Left downward palm pushing block, spinning 360° right knife hand strike.
35. Side step left, chambering right leg, side kick, jumping forward into 'X' stance, right back fist strike.
36. Left leg forward into 'L' stance, left knife hand block, grab wrist, right arm grabbing shoulder as you step in to hip throw opponent, punch.
37. Left leg forward into 'L' stance, left knife hand block, drop to right knee while pulling opponents ankle with left hand and palm strike (push) opponents leg, trapping ankle as you rise, right leg stamping kick to groin.
38. Left leg stepping across avoiding punch, right leg reverse turning kick, turning kick.
39. Right leg back 'L' stance guarding block, high section jump reverse turning kick.
40. Small side step to the left, right leg low section turning kick, right leg high section turning kick.
41. Left leg forward into 'L' stance (outside opponent), left hand hammer block, spinning 180° place right foot behind opponent, right knife hand strike to neck and grab, sweeping take down with right leg, punch.
42. Left leg back 'L' stance guarding block, high section right leg jump hook kick off the spot.
43. Left leg forward into 'L' stance, left knife hand block, grab wrist, right front elbow, grabbing shoulder, pulling downwards, right knee strike.
44. Left leg forward into walking stance, right circular block, right leg mid section side kick, place foot down, left leg mid section back kick.
45. Right leg back 'L' stance guarding block, shuffling right leg axe kick.
46. Left leg forward into 'L' stance, left knife hand block, grab wrist, slipping foot forward into walking stance, right upper elbow strike.
47. Left leg forward into 'L' stance, left knife hand block, grab wrist, slipping foot forward into walking stance, right arc hand strike.
48. Right leg back, left knife hand block, grab wrist and shoulder with right hand, right jump knee strike.
49. Side step left, chambering right leg, turning kick to opponents inner knee (front leg), slide forward as you side kick opponents inner thigh (back leg).
50. Left leg stepping out 45°, right knife hand block, grab wrist, left palm strike to elbow joint, grab arm, right leg inward sweeping take down, punch.
51. Left leg forward into 'L' stance, left knife hand block, circular anticlockwise motion trap opponents elbow, right arc hand strike.
52. Left leg forward into 'L' stance, left knife hand block, grab wrist, right leg in-to-out crescent kick.
53. Left leg forward into 'L' stance, right knife hand block, grab wrist, right leg in-to-out crescent kick.
54. Left leg stepping across avoiding punch, right leg high section reverse turning kick, drop to left knee using hands for support, right leg low section reverse turning kick (sweeping take down) to opponents legs.
55. Left leg forward, left knife hand block, grab wrist simultaneously right knife hand strike to shoulder, grab. Pull opponent towards you, fall backwards and push up with right leg throwing opponent over.